How to choose a custom date for a deposit slip

  1. Log into your Tax Traders dashboard and find the client you want to make a deposit for.
  2. On the client account, navigate to the Manage Tax drop down list and select Deposit Notice, the last item in the list.
  3. The deposit notice page will default to the client’s next provisional date. If this is the date you want them to deposit at, enter the amount in the Amount box. Otherwise, click on the Custom dates button beneath the Taxpayer field if you'd like them to deposit at a different date (e.g. starting regular deposits, or a March deposit for ICA purposes).
  4. You can either type the required date or click on the calendar to select a date.
  5. You can now either email a copy of the deposit notice to yourself (or anyone who is a contact on the client) or download the deposit notice.