How secure is my client data through the IR Feed?

Security and privacy of client data extracted from Inland Revenue and run through Tax Traders’ system is critical and has been thoroughly considered throughout our integration process.

IRD approved

Our system has been reviewed and approved by Inland Revenue and all data is protected by our industry-leading security and encryption, giving you total peace of mind.

Industry-leading security practices

All data held by Tax Traders is subject to the same industry-leading security practices

Access to taxpayer Inland Revenue data via our Taxlab integration is granted to Tax Traders only by the permission and successful myIR authentication of tax agents. The taxpayers represented in the Inland Revenue data are only those individuals or organisations that have nominated their tax agent to act on their behalf.

Taxpayer Inland Revenue data is parsed and stored in Tax Traders secure database for an indefinite amount of time. Removal of Inland Revenue data obtained via this integration can be done via a tax agent’s request for removal, either verbally or in writing.

The Inland Revenue taxpayer data includes, but is not limited to, filing frequency, transactions, and tax account balances for income tax, GST, RWT, FBT and imputation credit account types.

We use Amazon Web Services to facilitate the operation of our secure web service and database. Tax Traders’ web and data services incorporate industry best practices such as:

  • Restricted database access
  • Encrypted database back ups
  • User authentication
  • Enforced secure web connection via HTTPS

User authentication via secure web connection ensures that access to taxpayer data is given only to tax agents as explicitly granted.

Tax Traders perform regular security audits and penetration testing of our software to ensure our systems are maintained appropriately. This has been a feature of other integration and service agreements we have entered into with some of New Zealand’s other largest accounting and business advisory firms.


Sign up for Tax Traders Advantage by completing the application form today. If you have any questions, contact the team and we'll be happy to help.