Getting 'Ready to send'
ProvCheck sends notices for groups of entities rather than as individual taxpayers and in an email format rather than a PDF attachment. When you’re ready to send your clients their notices, navigate to the ‘Notices’ tab and select ‘Ready to send’ status.
Selecting taxpayers for your notice
Tax notices are sent as a group and only those that are in the ‘Ready to send’ tab will be included on the email notice.
When you select a taxpayer all the other group taxpayers will automatically be selected. You can remove any taxpayers from 'Ready to send' stage by navigating to either the detailed taxpayer screen or by using the bulk tools in the Overview page.
You can preview the email by clicking on ‘Preview notice’ in the detail view, but keep in mind that only those entities that are in the 'Ready to send' work stage will be included in the email. Entities that are not in 'Ready to send' will show on the preview – but will not show in the final notice.
Reviewing email addresses
The group email recipients are listed for you to review. These are based on XPM, and often there is more than one address for the group. To make a change, click on the taxpayer and select and unselect the relevant recipients.
Sending notices
Select all the groups you want to send notices for and select ‘Send to taxpayer’.
When your client receives their email notice, it will appear as if it was sent from the user's email address used to access ProvCheck. You’ll receive a blind copy at the same time. If your client responds to the notice, it will also come back to the email address that received the blind copy.
Making custom edits to the email notice
If you’d like to make some changes to the email notice for your client, select ‘Send to Agent’ and ProvCheck will send the notice to the Tax Traders account you’re logged in under. You can then make your changes and send the email directly to your client. Finally, return to ProvCheck and 'Mark as sent' your notice.